Hi everyone!
We’ve been busy little 🐝. Here’s what’s been going on.
Do you want your own version of limber?
To add to our white label apps for Mitchells and Butlers and Boparan (owners of GBK), we’ve now built a new SME white label solution. Starting from £20 pcm, you could have your own version of limber – enabling you to build your own teams of flex staff, for free!
Interested? Please get in touch to find out more.

New timesheet feedback

Hot of the press, we’ve just added new optional timesheet feedback. Now you can rate workers on their attitude to their work, skills match, customer service and punctuality. It’s all entirely optional and if its not applicable to their shift, you can say as much
To start with, we’re just collecting that data, but if it’s popular, we’ll be surfacing the data to make it easier to make informed hiring decisions. Check it out and let us know what you think.
Scheduling integrations
Our workforce integration goes live next week. Fourth will be next, then we hope more will follow. If you want a scheduling integration for your chosen provider, please let us know.
Record consistency rates
Last week, we had a limber record. 94% of shifts were filled on the platform with a member of the hirers’ team. That means the app is delivering better than ever consistency of staffing – the consistency you need with the flexibility that staff want. That’s what we’re all about.
Next up
Next up, we’ll be taking another look at the applicants screen again – we’ll be delivering sorting, filtering and a few other nice touches. After that, we’ll rip apart conversations and produce something far more user friendly. Watch this space.
Team limber
The limber app and platform empowers workers to take back the freedoms denied them by zero hour contracts, unfulfilling venues, and unreasonable rotas so they can live their best lives. Don't work rigid. Live limber.