Four ways we’re different to any other invoicing platform
1. We care about sustainability
We appreciate the quality and value in what you do, that’s why we try to make it as sustainable as possible. With the option to pay into a pension, and the reliability of a regular pay slip, you can easily keep track of your earnings and feel secure at those big moments in life, like applying for a mortgage. Just because you’re freelance, doesn’t mean you should lose out.
By looking after your tax and making sure you’re getting paid on time, we also ensure you don’t have to waste time chasing invoices, meaning you can spend more time making money, and less time counting it.
2. We provide support and guidance
We’re not just about practicality, we’re also here to inspire, motivate and educate. Across limber you’ll find all the help and support you need to create your perfect work life. From building an established client base to tips and training for the ultimate pitch, we equip you with all the resources you need to create a great, sustainable work life. You can even find inspirational stories of how other freelancers manage their lifestyle, to keep you motivated every step of the way.
3. We offer limber equity
Now this is the big one. Unlike other invoicing platforms, we know you deserve something back for all your determination and hard work. That’s why we’ve launched ‘limber equity’, the equity scheme that converts points into shares every time you have an invoice paid through the app or invite new people to the platform. You’ll also have the power to suggest ideas, vote on features and have you say on the direction of the company. The more you earn and the bigger the limber community gets, the more value you can build for the future.
4. You’re covered by our ethical payment policy
Every contract agreed on limber comes under our ethical payment policy. That means you can never earn less than minimum wage plus holiday pay (although we want you to be earning a lot more). Every invoice you issue is on 7 day payment terms and is covered by our dispute resolution policy, which means if you have a dispute with your clients on payment, we’ll be here mediate and help find the right outcome.