Lend a hand with limber | limber

Lend a hand with limber

limber people high fiving

In years to come, the covid-19 pandemic will be looked upon as a time of crisis, but also as a time where community spirit came to the forefront. From clapping for the NHS to making meals for the homeless – so many have come forward at this challenging time to do what they can to help and show their appreciation.

We wanted to get involved and let you know about the launch of our brand new volunteer scheme, ‘lend a hand with limber’, designed to connect the people on limber that are keen to help, with businesses that need it. 

Things continue to be challenging for everyone alike, and as always, we’ve been thinking about what we can do to support both our workers and hirers during this difficult time. While trying to organise paid opportunities for workers has always been and continues to be the top priority, for those who have been furloughed, we’ve launched a brand new volunteer scheme to support the businesses in the limber community who might be in need of a helping hand – this could involve anything from painting a venue, deep cleaning a kitchen or doing some design work.

limber is full of hard-working, talented individuals who have currently found themselves with a little less going on than usual and when we reached out to present this idea, many were quick to offer their time and energy to give a something back. 

While this scheme is by no means obligatory, volunteering is thought to be a great way to boost mental and physical wellbeing, as well as helping to combat stress and anxiety, and for those who are looking for something to keep themselves busy during the lockdown, we hope this will go a little way to helping. It’s more important than ever to look out for each other, and there are lots of causes that could benefit from some support.

How to stay safe when supporting others

  1. Only volunteer if you feel well enough and are not shielding, self-isolating or in a high-risk group. 
  2. Keep washing your hands with soap as often as possible for at least 20 seconds at a time.
  3. Stay at least two metres  (about three steps) away from people you’re helping, at all times.
  4. Offer to run errands for people but stay outside of people’s homes, arrange to drop items on the doorstep or somewhere safe.
  5. Let family and friends know what you’re doing.
  6. Don’t take on too much, these are tough times and you shouldn’t force yourself to be productive if you’re not feeling up to it.

How can I get involved with lend and hand?

If you’re a hirer and have a task you’d like help with, let us know by getting in touch with dates, times and details, and we’ll send the request out to our fast-growing group of volunteers. If someone is available to help, we’ll send them your way. Please do not ask for volunteer help with anything that directly generates revenue, however, like delivery driving or cheffing – remember you can still post that work on limber.

If you’re a worker and you’d like to volunteer, drop us an email and we’ll add your name to the list. If anyone needs a hand, we’ll send round the request and if you’re able to help, great. If not, don’t worry. It’s as simple as that.

Keep up to date

Questions, queries or concerns? Get in touch at hello@limber.work. Want to keep up to date with all the latest limber news? Follow us!

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Head of Communications

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