We chat to limber user, Catherine, about why she loves limber and how using the app to find work has changed her life.
Q: So Catherine firstly, why do you use limber?

A: I use limber because it allows me to work when I want to work.
Being able to choose shifts on the day means that if I have a plan and it falls through, I can say ‘I’m going to take on a shift today’.
It’s the flexibility of having a few things planned, but still being able to change my mind the day before.
Q: Does that mean you check the app for shifts regularly?
A: Yeah, I actually look quite often. I check every morning. It’s part of my routine, I’ll check the news and then I’ll check limber and see what there is. It’s quite spontaneous to be honest, there will be a few shifts a week that are planned, but really, it’s quite spontaneous.
Q: Is there something you particularly enjoy, about picking up shifts on limber?
A: I quite enjoy feeling busy. I like that feeling of going home at the end of the day and feeling like I’ve got something done. I like to prioritise work, so I tend to pick work first and then plan things around that.
Q: What skills has using limber, helped you improve?
A: Definitely my communication skills, I think I’ll be moving up to a supervisory role soon.
Q: How do you find getting paid on limber?
A: It’s really easy. You just send it off, saying that you’ve done it and you get your email saying when you’re getting paid. It couldn’t be any easier. I like to have it all in one place, so I can keep track of what I’m earning. I’d prefer to get paid through the app, because you can keep track of what you’ve worked and when. To me, cash in hand feels a bit dodgy.
I prefer to use limber, over picking up shifts traditionally. I absolutely hate old fashioned rotas where it’s all written out on a piece of paper, and if someone swaps their shift you have to cross it out and write it over the top. Picking up shifts on limber is so much more effective.
Q: So, how did you find work, before limber?
A: I found it really difficult actually. I was studying at university, so I found it really hard to juggle my time, there seemed to be a lot of shifts on limber which were during the week, which suits me, whereas I couldn’t find any shifts like that before. Usually I’m busy at the weekend, so I can’t do long shifts. It’s been completely life changing in that way.
Q: How does limber help you?
A: limber helps me by allowing me to be flexible with my time, I can take on a shift that might be starting later in the day. So, I can do everything I need to do, like go to the gym or something during the day, and then work my limber shift later on. So, it all works out. Wherever I am, whatever I’m doing, I can just log on to the app and find out when there’s shift. It can be on the day, or a week in advanced, and that’s so helpful.
Q: So, what three words would you use to describe limber?
A: Flexible. Empowering. Easy.
Q: And finally, can you describe in one word, how using limber makes you feel?