Chris Sanderson, Author at limber | Page 2 of 2
May 16, 2019
device limber logo friends sunset

Reflecting on 2 years of limber and £1m in wages

Yesterday we received this heartfelt message from a hiring business on a limber community.
May 15, 2019
man device photo

limber guide: video profiles

The video part of your limber profile is a real game changer. And there's so much you can do with it. Here's our guide to creating the best video CV you can.
May 14, 2019
compass limber logo

How limber changed my perspective on work

What does ‘work’ mean to you? Do you define yourself by your job? Is your livelihood the same as your purpose in life? Or is your job merely a means to make ends meet, to fund your ‘true’ passions? (Or, like me, are you still trying to work all of that out…)