Employer FAQ | limber

Hiring on limber

Worker? Check out our worker FAQs.


1How do I choose who to hire?
Great question. The most important things to look at are previous experience and reliability ratings.This information will allow you to asses how suitable a worker is for your current role, and if they seem like a good fit for your business.
2I've hired someone, what's next?
Once you're hired someone it's always nice to drop them a quick message to introduce yourself and double check they have all the information required before the beginning of the shift. This could include things like travel requirements or uniform preferences!
3What if I want to hire someone directly?
limber spends a lot of time and resources on sourcing the best hospitality talent. As you can imagine this doesn't come cheaply. We have a standard hiring fee of £150. More about this can be found in our T&C's.
4What should I do if nobody applies?
People may not be applying for a number of reasons. Usually it's because of a lack of information regarding the role, the rate is a little low or the location is tricky to get to. If you're still unsure get in contact and we'll help you out.
5Can I see peoples right to work?
Legally we are not permitted to display this information. However before anyone can complete a shift on limber they must complete a 'right to work check', so there's no need to worry.
6How can I see what experience people have?
Each worker has a complete profile including their skills and experience, as well as shift ratings. You can even check out their reliability, so you can feel totally confident when putting together the perfect team.


1Who should I add to my Team?
Your team should be a network of workers you wan't to connect with time and time again. They should be a great fit for your business and enjoy working for you, as well as having strong reliability and excellent ratings. Members of your team can autoaccept shifts, so choose wisely.
2Can I chat to people before I hire them?
You will only be able to chat to people once you have hired them, via the in-app messaging service. Once hired, it's always nice to say a friendly hello and introduce yourself!
3Why can't I see my timesheets?
Don't sweat it! If you haven't closed them already your timesheets will automatically close the following Tuesday after the shift.

Payment and Invoicing

1When will my card get charged?
You wont be charged until the shift is completed and you have closed out the time-sheet. Once your time-sheet has been closed, your card will be charged. This can take up to 4 days to appear on your account, so don't worry if you don't see it straight away.
2Why am I paying holiday pay?
Everyone who works in the UK is entitled to earn holiday pay. For every hour someone works they earn 12.07% holiday pay. This is paid on a rolling bases when you employ through limber, so it's all taken care of for you.
3How much national insurance do I pay?
Limber has a flat fee for national insurance. This is set at just 10% (whereas the full rate is 15%). This is because workers won't always meet the thresholds so limber doesn't always pay employer NI.
4How do I setup payment?
You will be asked to setup a payment when posting your first shift. If you would like to add a new payment or change and existing payment head to settings. No fuss!
5Will I still be charged if the shift doesn't fill?
The good news is that on average 95% of shifts fill on limber but rest assured that if for some reason your shift doesn't fill, we won't charge you.
6Can I pay by invoice?
limber follows strict 7day payment terms so unfortunately we do not offer an invoice service or credit line.
7I haven't received my invoice?
Your invoices will be automatically sent to the email address you registered with. You can also add an additional invoice CC by heading to the settings tab.
8When does my direct debit come out?
Direct debts are collected the following Wednesday after all shifts automatically close out.

Tips and TRONC

1What should my policy be for limber workers and Tips/TRONC?
That is up to you, but you must consider limber workers when devising your tipping policy. More guidance on this is here.

Our own steer is that you'll build a better flexible team of staff if they're included in some way in your tipping policy. More of our thoughts are here.
2How do I communicate my tipping policy to workers?
By law, this should be housed at your place of business where workers can see it, but we also recommend adding a summary of your tipping policy in your >settings tab on limber. You can also tell them about it before shifts in the chat tab.
3Do I have to pay employer NI on tips?
That depends on how Tips are collected and distributed. Under a TRONC scheme, tips usually won't attract NI. For more information, head here.

As always, limber has a flat fee for national insurance. This is set at just 8% rather than 13.08% because workers don't always meet the thresholds.
4How can I pay tips?
You have two choices. Either, add tips to each timesheet when you complete them, or head to the >tips tab and bulk upload timesheets.

Adding tips to timesheets is an easy way to do it if you already know what tips the worker is going to receive when you complete the timesheet. However, if there's a short delay on calculating tips, then it's better to bulk upload at the end of every week or month (or whatever period you choose). Either way, you can always decided the NI treatment for your tips.
5Will I get in trouble if I don't include limber workers in tips policies?
It's a legal requirement to consider limber workers when setting your tips policies. If you don't, you can (and probably will) land yourself in hot water.

However, the guidance doesn't say that you MUST include all limber workers in tipping policies, but that they must be fair in the circumstances. Please see the guidance for more detail.

Cancellations and No Shows

1What is someone cancels?
No need to panic. If someone cancels limber will automatically re-post your shift. First choice will go to previous applicants and then the most relevant available people. Sorted.
2What happens if someone no shows?
This does happen from time to time. Once your time sheet becomes available you can mark them as absent. This will then appear on the workers profile as a no show to help other venues understand their reliability.
3What happens if I want to cancel a shift?
No problem, you can cancel a shift at anytime. However if you have hired someone it's always nice to explain why to avoid any issues or confusion!

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