letter2 | limber

👋 I'm glad you got my letter!

Right now, hiring hospitality staff is hard.

Why? There are lots of reasons, most of which are out of our control (Brexit, covid, etc), but the pandemic has also reset how people think about work. Work-life balance, variety, flexibility and control are more important than ever.

That's where limber comes in. Where the industry has struggled to find staff, people have been downloading our app in droves - because it offers them total flexibility, variety and control to build a work-life that works for them.

The good news for you is that limber offers you the chance to hire this growing generation of staff, on a flexible basis. All staff are 100% insured, right to work checked, and rated by other businesses near you.

👩🏼‍💻 Check out limber here >

🕵🏻‍♂️ Check I'm a real person here >

💬 Chat to us here >

Thanks for responding to my letter and, if we don't hear from you, best of luck for the rest of 2021! (May 2022, be a hell of a lot better!)
